Book a medical consultation for your kid with the best therapist via online video call
( Speech therapy and Audiology/ Occupational therapy/ Behavioral/ Physiological/ Learning disability)
Book a video call
Get your psychological and educational support for your kid with the best doctors and therapists via online video call.
(Psychological support/ Yoga and Psychological release/ Family therapy)
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Why are we special?

Why are our services available online?

Privacy and secrecy

We help parents to break the “Social barriers” and shyness that they may face.


We are a group of highly qualified experts

Saving time

Distances are not an obstacle, you can get your session from your home at your free time

Less cost

No need to travel so no need for transportation

Being with your kids

You don’t have to leave your other kids because we are available online

No rehabilitation center

You're not able to get to a rehabilitation center? It's no longer an obstacle.

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What do we offer for kids?

We help you to solve your kids' problems at home.


For kids up to 8 years who are diagnosed by doctors

Treat Hypermobility

Help children with Hypermobility

Psychological support and behavioral therapy

Provide Psychological support and behavioral therapy for children.

Overcome school problems

Help children who have learning disabilities or dysgraphia.

Speech and hearing therapy

Helping children with speech and hearing difficulties

What do we offer for parents?

We offer psychological support specially for mothers to have a balanced life.

We help you to get out of stress

Provide you with psychological and emotional support to raise your children

Help employed mothers to have a balanced life

Help new parents


ما هي الطريقة الصحيحة في الحديث مع طفلي في الطفولة المبكرة؟

الحديث مع الطفل منذ نعومة أظافره يساهم بشكل كبير وفعال في تطوره اللغوي، لكن أحياناً لا يعرف الأهل الطريقة الصحيحة في التعامل و التفاعل مع الطفل و زيادة مفرداته اللغوية، في هذه المقالة نقدم لكم الطريقة الفعالة الصحيحة في الحديث مع الطفل.

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أهم الأفكار لتنمية مهارات الطفل في العطلة الصيفية

بمناسبة العطلة الصيفية فإن الأهل يسعون دوماً لابعاد أطفالهم عن الشاشات و الأجهزة الإلكترونية و استغلال العطلة بالشكل الصحيح للاستفادة منها و تعلم مهارات جديدة يستفيد منها الطفل، في هذه المقالة نطرح لكم بعض الأفكار التي يمكن الاستفادة منها.

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